Get Involved

Active Networking

As long as we ALL put intention into our networking, we will be a success for ALL Americans and an inspiration for democratic countries worldwide. All we need to do is learn, teach others, and stay close with others so we can beat the odds against us with strength in numbers. 


Coalition building is an integral aspect of Activism Truth's long term goals. We must build coalitions with groups currently external to our organization, and integrate them with their goals into our platform so all individuals behind various causes can participate in supporting their local legislation using our tools and features. Even though there are so many groups with so many goals, we can certainly all come together for key legislation that will empower us all equally. Cooperation for the goals we all have in common is crucial. 


Fund the cost of organizing directly. Email us for our wish list and feel free to fund our ballot access solution directly. Be a sustaining member to ensure success for your crucial concern. For every 300 members who contribute $5 a month, we can hire one full time contributor to grow our organization. 

Door to Door Fundraising

We hire Door to Door Fundraisers anywhere in the USA. We provide training and canvassing tools to ensure anyone can begin as an independent contractor for our organization today. As a fundraiser, you can earn a great living wage working full time making a difference in your communities. The more you fundraise the more you earn.
