About ActivismTruth.com

  • The Ballot Proposition Process allows "We The People" to end tyranny and save our State's rights from corruption, where solutions can come from the grassroots up.
  • The Ballot Proposition Process makes States more representative of the people.
  • Subversion by corporations in the ballot initiative process, is one reason why "We the People" must take the process back for ourselves.
  • Rather than wait for our politicians to save the nation, we must be proactive in taking the initiative and bypass the politicians, using the ballot, in a direct democracy process that is constitutional and allows the people to have legitimate and functional checks and balances that can save the Republic from internal corruption. Using this process to support the most important causes, we are not passive and waiting for change, we are an empowered citizenry!
  • When people use the states ballot proposition process in the interest of the 99%, we can save the economy, the environment, liberty and freedom for ourselves and help empower others to do the same!
  • Activism Truth is organizing for the solution. We have simple ideals, changing the paradigm of governance for the highest interest of humanity. We work to create a powerful 4th system of checks and balances to regulate government and have it serve the people over the corrupt international and national corporate interests.


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