Hemp and Marijuanahempworld100

Hemp is the World's #1 most useful plant! Legislation has repealed the old laws and the states are doing great without prohibition. Now more states are joining in. Rather than criminalize, our states can benefit from hemp, medicine, recreational use and taxes. 

  • Reduce Prison Populations
  • End Drug War Waste
  • Create Billions in Revenue from Green Industrial Products

Full Hemp LegalizationWhat does the government tell us about Hemp? The governments view is that Hemp is a dangerous drug that leads users to a life of drug addiction and crime. They ignore the industrial benefits and they subsidize the predatory and harmful industries that would otherwise be replaced with hemp legalization.

What the government DOES NOT tell us about Hemp: The government does not tell us that they profit from the drug war. They do not tell you the facts that the War on Drugs breaks up more loving families, and destroys more lives, that it claims to be working to protect. The government prohibition never works to help at all. They just profit off it being illegal. It's time they are exposed!

We have all the proof that the opponents to this are full of lies and disinformation.

We currently have four pieces of legislation about Hemp.

Once you Join Activism Truth, you are a member in your state that can more effectively help your community organize effectively to qualify your initiatives.

We are here to help organizations so we all can have a future. You can be that signer that we need to get our initiative on the ballot.

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The war on Marijuana is just a cover for the war on hemp. Even the secondary species related but not containing the psychoactive chemical THC is illegal because of the the boon it would be to local economies. Legalization is in direct opposition to the globalist plan to consolidate wealth and power into the hands of a minority. The free market for the farmers who are out of work to nurture and benefit the land and soil with industrial hemp production would create billions. All the industrial supplies for the modern world are able to be replaced by this plant. Instead of oil which pollutes, we could have bio-remediation that eliminates the pollution. We would have more money in local communities, less consolidation of wealth and power, and no corporate handouts. We don't need any more oil spills. Buy this next election we could vote for a local hemp economy legalization measure known as the Hemp and Health initiative.  It's Jack Herer's original legislation that started the whole process in state legalization. We also have other model legislations that can be debated and refined but in the end, any step counts. More info is in our blogs below. 

Hemp is illegal because it is a threat to the elites who want to monopolize the oil, plastic, medicine, timber, textile and construction industries. "Marijuana" is the number one reason people are filling up jails in the U.S.A. The cost to our infrastructure is stupendous. The real crime is that there are thousands of industrial applications for hemp that would create a -dollar green industrial revolution, revitalizing our economy, ending the exploitation of our forests, the need for oil and it works better for a plethora of diseases better than most western medicine etc. Yet, governments won't let a plant grow, all in the name of saving the youth. Meanwhile the government, the CIA, the border patrol, all have shown to have connections with massive smuggling of weapons over to the real drug cartels, endangering peoples lives, and smuggling the hard smack into our country themselves! We have no balance of powers into our justice systems functionality and no debate with our leaders on legalizing the worlds most important plant. The only solution is direct democracy, join us to help us put it on your states ballot. More info about Hemp including references can be found in our blogs below.

Several of the best legislation initiatives include the following:

Below are member contributed blogs on many subjects related to hemp and the drug war, in particular, the war on marijuana.

  • Hemp can Replace Fossil Fuels
  • Hemp for Superior Paper Products
  • Hemp for Superior Construction Materials
  • True Medicinal Properties
  • Recreational Use
  • The Drug War is a Fraud
  • Judges and Law Enforcement For Legalization
  • Billions in Revenue would be Generated

Read more about this issue in our Blog area (displayed below).

  • Jack Herer's Legacy

    Author Nicolas Guillermo

    The Jack Herer legacy is alive and well today in California and perhaps soon in other states. It's important that the truth about the corrupt influences in government with oil, big Pharma, plastics and forestry, all led to the end of "marijuana" which was a racist word that was made up to make people against hispanics. Hemp can save the world, it's green, it thrives in most climates, no pesticides needed, no oil needed, no cost, we would save our environment and in a most dramatic way as well, our economy. 

  • Hemp Can Save The World!

    Author Nicolas Guillermo

    Activism Truth will connect many ballot initiative organizations and help all the groups benefit by working together. Many groups are forming around the nation for the same cause, if they can work together, strategize and share information, they will all be better prepared for the struggle ahead. 

FLASH POLL: Hemp & Health Poll

Do the facts presented in our blogs present a strong enough argument for you to support the end of hemp prohibition?

No - 33.3%
Yes - 66.7%

Total votes: 3
The voting for this poll has ended on: 04 Jul 2016 - 00:00

If you vote No, please take our survey so we can correct any errors.

Click here to take Hemp and Health Survey

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